Expanding our offer

For Cats

News you will love
a well-deserved rest

Orthopaedic bed SEATTLE

a well-deserved rest
NEWS for cats

Intelligent self-cleaning toilet

For maximum hygiene and comfort
bright vegan collection

Collars and leashes AMALFI

They will envy you for this one
Gift from the heart


Collections you will love

Visit us

We operate in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Visit our store with your pet, he will definitely pick something up from our assortment and gets some goodies on spot as well.

Free shipping

You are entitled to free shipping with orders over EUR 59. Have everything delivered to your home or via Zásielkovňa or PPL Parcel shops.

We guarantee the quality

The premium quality of the goods and the satisfaction of your four-legged friend is an absolute priority for us, which is why we always guarantee it. We choose everything with love.

New HUNTER beds
The best materials in a beautiful design
Those who play don´t get angry
Pamper your dog with the best toys
K9 Bagpacks
Premium food
CELTIC Lamb and Goat

Our store

We bring joy to dogs every day
Joy for humans and their pets
We love dogs and know what joy they can bring to life. We want to spread around exactly this joy. To give it back to the dogs so that they have a long and contented life and allow their owners to please themselves as well. We bring joy in everything we do. From well-thought-out details of collars to tasty treats, to a thank-you-for-your-purchase note in the ordered package.
More about us