Have you heard of dead tail syndrome in dogs? Although the diagnosis of this health problem sounds scary, there is no need to panic. It is a non-infectious inflammation of the soft tissues and nerves in the area of ​​the root of the tail, which can afflict dogs not only during cold weather. How to prevent dead tail syndrome? And is there any effective treatment?

What causes dead tail syndrome?

Drooping tail, inability to move the tail and also pain if the tail is touched. These are probably the most common manifestations of dead tail syndrome, which is mostly suffered by hunting breeds. A frequent trigger of this syndrome is excessive movement, exercise, swimming in cold water, getting wet or windy.

How to prevent the syndrome?

Especially during the autumn and winter months, it pays to dress your dog properly before going for a walk and thus prevent catching a cold. If you are unexpectedly caught in the rain during a walk, after returning home, bathe the dog and dry its coat completely. Likewise, prevent the dog from swimming in a cold lake or river. After all, the bell has already rung on a warm day and the risks associated with swimming in cold water are great. Last but not least, it also pays off when you don't overload your dog. During the game, alternate different activities and don't forget the relaxation part, during which not only the dog can rest, but also his (constantly wagging) tail.

How to treat dead tail syndrome?

In the beginning, we indicated that the dead tail syndrome is a condition in which the dog loses the ability to move its tail, is unable to sit, or has its tail hanging down and looks as if it is paralyzed. At the same time, some dogs may have trouble defecating and may also show signs of pain if you touch their tail.

The good news is that dead tail syndrome is not a serious medical condition. It is generally recommended that you "prescribe" the dog to rest during treatment. You will not take a step aside when you visit the vet with your dog, who will check the condition of the tail and possibly administer painkillers. If the treatment proceeds without complications, the dead tail syndrome will disappear within a fortnight at most.

Although dead tail syndrome is very unpleasant for a dog, with proper care and attention, the dog will recover quickly. However, in case of any complications, do not hesitate to seek veterinary help again.

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