Losos & Pstruh je holistické doplnkové krmivo, ktoré spĺňa prísne nároky hypoalergénnej diéty. Je vyrobené z eticky chovaných rýb, ktoré sú skombinované tak, aby krmivo psovi poskytlo komplexný profil aminokyselín. Mäso rýb je doplnené zeleninou, liečivými bylinami, morskou riasou (zdroj omega 3 a 6 mastných kyselín) a ovocím pre ľahké trávenie, krásnu srsť a podporu imunity, preto sa váš maznáčik môže spoľahnúť, že mu predkladáte len to najlepšie. Vďaka pridanému glukosamínu, chondroitínu a MSM sa zároveň staráte o skvelú kondíciu kĺbov, šliach a pohybového aparátu svojho najlepšieho priateľa.
Nutritional values
Protein | 10.1% |
Fat | 6.8% |
Fiber | 0.4% |
Ash | 3% |
Energy | 122 kcal/100g |
Dávkovanie:Kŕmnu dávku rozdeľte aspoň do dvoch dávok. Podávajte pri izbovej teplote. Po otvorení uchovajte v chladničke a spotrebujte do 24 hodín. Zaistite psíkovi stály prístup k vode.
Celtic connection
Perfect food for your pet
The Celtic Connection combines modern life science with ancient Celtic wisdom. Soft fur, flexible joints and a wagging tail: all these are the result of a well-functioning body in which every organ, every part of the body can do its job and everything works together smoothly. The ancient Celts looked at it this way. They searched for the perfect blend of meat, vegetables and botanical herbs and found the best that nature has to offer.
Linda is passionate about animals and has made her home a haven for four-legged misfits. As a qualified engineer and animal osteopath/physiotherapist, she understands animal physiology like no one else. Add to that a few smart minds and with Celtic Connection you have an unbeatable recipe for success, tailor-made for your pet. Together with local partners, Linda strives to make the world a place that is friendlier to animals and our planet - for example, by 100% ethical sourcing of ingredients, eco-sustainable packaging and many initiatives that are friendly to the planet.